Category Archives: Ramblings

Continuation 0

After some thought, I’ve decided to make a seperate blog for my continuing work on the calendar.  It didn’t make sense for me to continue posting in this blog. Please visit: From my Capstone Defense: Sundial Demo MS Thesis Presentation (pdf) MS Thesis Final Write Up (pdf)

Time to get back into the groove 0

I’m back and ready!  I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole info vis thing.  There are a lot of things that I want to accomplish and I want to do them all.  So here is the plan of things I will do: Come up with a list of terminologies that are being used and […]

Officially done! 0

As of today, I am officially done with my capstone.  I have submitted in the final write up and got the signatures required.  YAY!!  Now comes the fun part!  I’m going to take off the rest of the year to focus on restructuring my various websites including this one.  Next year, I will began again […]

The Final Ok 0

It’s official!  I have the final OK to print my Final Write Up!  WOOT!

Organizing, sketches, and such 0

I’ve sent out the paragraph to my Capstone Committee.  Hopefully, that gets approved.  I’ve decided to organize all my documents that I will need to burn on to the cd.  One major aspect is my sketchbook.  I’ve posted all my sketches online.  You can visit the link up top to view them. I am so […]