Two books that I’ve been reading/skimming called “Information Dashboard Design” by Stephen Few and “The Elements of Graphic Design”by Alex W. White seems to share a common theme which involves the presentation of information to the user. Both authors talk about (in their own way) about how people view information and that it should be […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- December 10, 2007 – 3:30 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
Since Wednesday (12/5), I’ve been going through a purging of books that I have checked out. The reason for this is because well frankly, the books are due soon. Take a look at my resources page, to see what type of books I will be using. I will be updating the page with additions and […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- December 10, 2007 – 12:52 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
Today I worked on ways of inputting events into the application. Some things that I focused on: what information is needed so that the user can input an event (e.g. What, When, Where, etc) how the information is being presented to the user the flow of inputting information It’s important that I figure this part […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- December 4, 2007 – 8:21 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
First day was productive. I didn’t bring my lappie, which I quickly realized was a mistake. I need it so that I can write stuff in the blog! I wrote down everything that was floating in my head in my sketchbook. I have all these ideas and thoughts that need to get sorted out and […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- December 4, 2007 – 7:52 pm
- Author:
- By Kim