So are they? I don’t know. They are similar to an All Day event and a Specific Time event. So what to do? At this point, I’ve decided that it will act like an All Day event.
Categories: Capstone
So are they? I don’t know. They are similar to an All Day event and a Specific Time event. So what to do? At this point, I’ve decided that it will act like an All Day event.
Categories: Capstone
Here is an update on my list thus far: Dynamic Text Labels for each view (Did not worry about leap year…) Beef up my XML with more data (ended up only having 12 events and only in May) Finish up all day events (added: finish up day view) (this will be hard coded and I […]
Categories: Capstone
According to my Capstone Proposal: The functionality of the prototype will allow users to: input events, set priority events as well as recurring events, categorize events, search events, and allow the user to view events based on the criteria they have selected. It is important to note that the prototype is a demonstration of what […]
Categories: Capstone
So I have essentially 15 days to finish this. Actually, let’s be more precise. I will need to finish this demo by May 18th. I will then have the final report and defend my capstone on May 22nd. Talk about pressure! So here’s quick update on what I have done so far: Spent two days […]
Over the past few days, I have been working on my XML and data handling. I made up some fake information on in an XML file and was able to load it successfully in flash. I figured out how to extract information from the XML. In AS 3.0, XMLNode has been deprecated and is only […]