Here are some visual updates to give a better sense of what I have been doing. The picture below is a the Sundial Layout that I created in Illustrator. The key on the left with the colors wil be used for the bands. This will make more sense when you look at the next picture. […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- April 29, 2008 – 1:31 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
When I realized I had come to a stopping point with my views and had to go back to the data part, I knew I was going to need some help. I am very fortunate to have friends who are very good coders which I can turn to so that I can bounce off ideas […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- April 23, 2008 – 9:09 am
- Author:
- By Kim
**I had started writing this a few days prior but never got around to finishing it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it till now. It was on the page section – unpublished. Weird. But here it is! The Day View is proving to be a little tricker than expected and has caused some possible changes in […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- April 23, 2008 – 8:00 am
- Author:
- By Kim
I am now at a stopping point for the views that I have been working on. I need to go back and finish up the data part. Can I just say I’m not a big fan of the data stuff.
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- April 20, 2008 – 12:09 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
Weez told me I should get the views working so that is what I have been currently working on. I am therefore taking a small break from the data aspect. I managed to dynamically build the year, month, and week view. However, I totally forgot about the triangles! Luckily, Matt informed of a way to […]
Categories: Capstone
- Published:
- April 14, 2008 – 6:55 am
- Author:
- By Kim