Category Archives: Capstone

Overwhelmed, Scared, and Nervous 0

I am a slow coder. Looking back at my proposal, I realize I should have taken some things off. What was I thinking!?!? But everything is going okay. Matt helped me with my xml structure and Weez helped me refocus. Take baby steps….I can do this.

Begin Implementation Phase 0

Yesterday, I was over at Weez’s house for our bi-weekly Capstone dinner. This is where a bunch of capstone students gives her an update and receive feedback and eat! I showed her my latest design and asked for her opinions in regards to the Day view in the all day section cause I seriously did […]

Troubles and Evolution 0

The past couple of weeks have been hectic with prepping my portfolio and resume for the career fair this week. I did continue to work on my design but not as much as I had wanted to do. During past couple of weeks, I kept running into problems. I am in between the design and […]

Revamping the Design 0

Today was a productive day. I’ve begun to flush out the final design in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I’m using Photoshop to draw out the initial sketches and using Illustrator to “turn” it into a vector image. My original idea consisted of having four highways. Two of them would be curved and three of […]

How many? 0

As I am here at work thinking about how I would build my application, I found something to be concerned with. How many events does a user put on a calendar? A user may put schedule for 2 appointments that will overlap. But what about more than that? What if a user has many events? […]