According to Weez, I am one paragraph away from finishing! WOOT!
I am still alive!
Yes I am. I am in the process awaiting for feedback from my Capstone committe on my Final Write Up. Once that has been approved, the fun will begin!
Update: IT WILL get done.
Hello World! Yes, I know I have yet to update. I started my new job last week and things have been going well. I know I have been saying that I will finish up my final write up and I WILL!
I WILL have it done by this weekend (well at least the draft that will get sent to my Captone Committee). You are probably wondering what will be different. Well, let’s just say I am motivated NOW more than ever.
I’ve got many plans for this app once I finish this write up. One thing is incorporating the todo list. I personally view my todo list in a calendar format and have plans to try to incorporate this idea into the calendar app. As stated, I will be working from scratch again and oh yea it will be open source.
If you have ideas, suggestions, or want to partake, drop me a comment.
*Please note: I am building this app for purely selfish reasons. I’m tired of using current digital calendars and wish to build something that is useful and pretty! 🙂
Sundial Demo
Here is what you all have been waiting for! A link to my Sundial Demo. I’ve been busy working on my portfolio and final write up.
Some things to note on my demo:
- This is only a DEMO! It’s not meant to be used as an actual application. It’s only a proof of concept.
- Best viewed: 1024 x 768
- How to navigate:
- only the buttons on the left and bottom are clickable
- in the Month View
- the number 22 can be single and double clicked as well as the colored segment
- if you click number 24, it will rotate and shift
- in the Day View (make sure you have clicked 24 in the Month View)
- You can click the all day event for Sara and a popup will come up
- Why is it set to May 22? Because that was when I was supposed to have my Capstone Defense even though it turned out to be May 27.
So feel free to check it out and explore it. Come back later on for my final write up and final thoughts and such. Also, feel free to leave constructive comments!
Defense and such
So today was the day I defended my capstone (6pm). Originally, it was supposed to be in the GCCIS building. Unfortunately, there was a power maintenance and therefore would be no power in the building in the presentation I was to give. Only the faculty was notified and it was a good thing that my professor Chris Egert realized this (even though he realized this Sunday night at 7 pm ish…)
After a series of…mishaps (trying to figure out how to display the presentation, calming down the Weezlings, putting Teo out, and making sure Rufus doesn’t try to sit on my lap) I was finally able to present. And it was a success! I’m done! Well…almost. I still have to do a couple of revisions for my final write up but hey at least I don’t have to worry about my presentation. After that, I actually had a glass of mead. (Mind you I don’t drink).
Thanks to all that attended! (Weez and the household, Egert, Baker, Cascoli, Andrew, Matt, Ada, Lynette, Uncle Man, Ed, Eric, Paul, and Sarah)
I am now off to Cali and will come back with a better head on my shoulders. I will post more on the final details, write up, and the…DEMO!