Yet another revision

I’ve revised (yet again) 2 out of the 5 metaphors.

The tree metaphor was originally going to be a tree with an up-close view of branches and leaves depicting time. During my search, for images and inspiration for the trees I found it difficult and could not figure out a good way to depict the calendar on the tree. I was looking at cherry blossoms and finally it hit me! Bamboo! Bamboo have sections – which I can use for block of times and the leaves for those that doesn’t have time. It will be a forest of bamboo. Woot!

The second metaphor I decided to revise was the phyllotaxis/snowflake. The snowflake idea – didn’t jive with me and the phyllotaxis – was difficult. How so? Have you ever tried to draw one? It’s not easy. So many dots, 135.7 angle and spirals – made my head hurt. So I set on a search for different patterns. This metaphor dealt with patterns so I decided to look at other ideas. Some ideas included: the honeycomb, starfish, and the octopus. I even thought about a dandelion and the frond of a coconut tree. All really didn’t work for me.

They were great ideas but I wanted to go farther outside the box.

From the coconut leaf, I eventually came up with the idea of feathers and eventually settled on the peacock. The feathers and the overall look of the peacock sparked my imagination and creativity. There is a lot I can do with this. I am happy to say I am uberly excited.

So here are the metaphors thus far:

  • Life is a Highway
  • Nautilus
  • Life in Bloom
  • Bamboo Forest
  • The Peacock

Revision of Metaphors

The pressure is on! I have a critique with my lovely capstone committee next Tuesday.

Which is good.

I need feedback and various perspectives.

So far I’ve been working on selecting and finalizing my 5 metaphors. Who knew it would be so hard? I’m glad my friend Andy was around so that I can bounce ideas off of. Thanks bud!

So after staring at the ceiling and walking around aimlessly and mumbling to myself, I finally figure out the 5 metaphors that I will be showing to my capstone committee. Woot! It’s hard because I really could only come up with 2 to 3 and coming up with 5 is hard.

So here they are:

  1. Life is a Highway – pretty much self explanatory
  2. Nautilus – the idea of time bleeding into one another
  3. Life in Bloom – the idea of a garden of flowers
  4. Tree – self explanatory
  5. Snowflakes or Phyllotaxis – using the pattern to depict events – don’t know which yet.

Some of these metaphors will be literal, others will be an abstract or a representation. It’s hard to explain. I will post sketches when I develop them.

That’s all for now.

A new year

I didn’t do much over the break. I’ve got a lot of work cut out for me considering I have a critique next week(according to my timeline). Eekers! I decided to take a nap and before I slept I was thinking about which five metaphors I was going to use.

I woke up a couple of hours later with a fresh mind and ready to do something today. As I sat down and looked at my sketchbook, a furry little creature by the name of “Bandit” decided to plop down on my open sketchbook and decided to bath himself on it. I know have a wet kitty spot. See picture below.

Bandit cleaning himself

Folied by a cat! Good thing I’m going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow with Andrew.

So here’s a quick list of the metaphors:

  1. Time is an endless circle – can be broken down to two. Originally, I had combine the two but that would make no sense, hence I broke this metaphor into two metaphors. This one has cause me some trouble and after a mental break I’m ready to take another crack it.
    1. Rings on the tree
    2. Clock motif
  2. Life is a Highway – did a sketch for it – looks promising
  3. Galaxy – not started yet
  4. Garden – not started yet
  5. Nature – not started yet
    1. Organic shapes/patterns

Time to start cranking this week!

Life is a Highway

After I made the decision to take a break from the metaphor “Time is an endless circle,” I decided to take a whack at the metaphor “Life is a Highway”.  This metaphor is much easier to work with.

The wheels are churning!

As I continue to work on this metaphor, a thought did cross my mind.

Do I want to make this metaphor actually look like a highway or have it resemble a highway?

Personally – I like minimalism and abstraction.  But who knows?  I’ll know more when I start flushing out the ideas.

Capstone Dinner

Last night, a couple of my fellow capstone students and I had dinner at our professor’s house. It’s a way to keep us all in check and informed of our each other’s whereabouts during our Capstone process.

After giving my update to everyone, I talked to Andrew Luly who had first initially give me the idea of the metaphor “Life is a highway.” I wanted his idea and view of this metaphor. Somehow, the conversation led to some possible additional metaphors such as the nautilus from my professor Elouise Oyzon and the idea of monsters that would grow from an egg to an adult and would fly away to another planet.

As these two ideas were mentioned to me and thoughts of how I would utilize these metaphors for the calendar swarm in my head, I cannot help but be afraid.

I’m afraid that my application will turn into something that is incomprehensible and not usable in everyday life. My goal is to not only develop an application that is aesthetically beautiful and outside of the rigid grid-like appearance of current digital calendars, but to make it useful in everyday life.

In theory, I would like to build this application with full capabilities (once I receive my Master’s degree 🙂 ).