Originally, my capstone defense was scheduled for this Thursday (May 22) at 10 am. However, due to unforeseen circumstances that I was not able to finish a rough draft for my final write up. Therefore, my capstone defense has been postponed to June 17th at 10 am (70-2500).
I am happy and sad. I am sad because I had wanted to finish before I walk across the stage. In addition, my friend Andy won’t be able to attend my defense because he will be starting his new job. I am happy because it will give me more time to polish up my demo some more as well as my capstone defense. I was thinking that maybe I could do it next Tuesday before I live for my trip but do I want to go crazy with trying to finish up before I leave and not enjoy my grad party and such?
I will still try to finish up as much as I can this week before I graduate.
Things left to do:
- Demo – get rotation and zoom finished up
- Final write up
- Published:
- May 19, 2008 – 1:11 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
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- Comments:
So far I am on schedule with my to do list. I finished the Day View last night, but after some thinking today, I decided that I am going to back and fix some things. So here’s my list so far (with details):
- Finish up day event
- rotation in accordance to specific time
- should add overlapping event (redo doctor to overlap?)
- should add overlapping all day events
- Tool Bar – will make buttons and such
- Add Events – will add functionality after interactions are done…
- Search/Filter Bar – will add functionality after interactions are done…
- Image library
- Legend/key
- Help/Faq – will fill in details after everything else is finished…
- Interactions
- Popups/Details on Demand
- Per segment
- click – see events for the specific category
- roll over – see a tooltip
- Per day/month
- click the label – changes view
- roll over the label – see popup/tooltip
- In day view
- when clicking specific day event – see details
- when clicking all day event – see detail and bring to foreground
- Final write up
I should hopefully finish the demo by Thursday <crosses fingers> and then I can begin the write up…
- Published:
- May 12, 2008 – 7:44 am
- Author:
- By Kim
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- Comments:
So are they? I don’t know. They are similar to an All Day event and a Specific Time event. So what to do?
At this point, I’ve decided that it will act like an All Day event.
- Published:
- May 11, 2008 – 8:46 am
- Author:
- By Kim
- Categories:
- Comments:
Here is an update on my list thus far:
- Dynamic Text Labels for each view (Did not worry about leap year…)
- Beef up my XML with more data (ended up only having 12 events and only in May)
- Finish up all day events (added: finish up day view) (this will be hard coded and I am currently working on at this time)
- Figure out how I am going to deal with determining the thickness of the band per segment (this is all hard coded in)
- Work on Toolbar
- Popups
- Interaction: Zoom and Rotation
- Final Report
So far so good. I am planning on finishing up the Day stuff by this weekend (if not sooner).
- Published:
- May 9, 2008 – 11:46 pm
- Author:
- By Kim
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According to my Capstone Proposal:
The functionality of the prototype will allow users to: input events, set priority events as well as recurring events, categorize events, search events, and allow the user to view events based on the criteria they have selected. It is important to note that the prototype is a demonstration of what the calendar would do and is not meant to be used as an actual application.
Functional Prototype that will let users:
- Events
- Input events
- Set recurring events
- Set priority events
- Categorize events (e.g. birthdays, sports, anniversaries, etc)
- Displaying events – filtering, viewing
- View all
- View recurrence
- View priority
- View category
So that is what my proposal says. Boy do I wish I wasn’t so specific in my proposal. But it’s okay, I have a plan. Here’s my current list of things I need to do:
- Dynamic Text Labels for each view – done! (Just finished it today! Did not worry about leap year…)
- Beef up my XML with more data (probably have 20 events)
- Finish up all day events
- Figure out how I am going to deal with determining the thickness of the band per segment
- Work on Toolbar
- Popups
- Interaction: Zoom and Rotation
- Final Report
So those are the steps that I can think of so far. I can do this!
- Published:
- May 7, 2008 – 6:33 am
- Author:
- By Kim
- Categories:
- Comments: